Angela Duran
Executive Director, Excel by Eight
Angela Duran is executive director of Excel by Eight. She has spent more than 25 years engaged in program and policy development, strategic planning, research and evaluation, and project and organizational management in the nonprofit, philanthropic, and government sectors. She previously served as the president of Southern Good Faith Fund, a program officer at the Foundation for the Mid South, and a special assistant at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She received her Bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of Tulsa and Master’s in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She was previously named Arkansas Business’ Nonprofit Executive of the Year. Under her leadership, Southern Good Faith Fund was named a Families Count Honoree by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Arkansas Business’ Nonprofit Organization of the Year.

My favorite children’s book is: Little Blue Truck.
As a child, my favorite activity was: playing school or riding my bike in the woods.
My biggest challenge as a parent has been: maintaining a balance between keeping my children safe and preparing them for what they need to survive and thrive.