The Conway County Community Foundation convened an E8 Steering Committee that includes three public school districts, a multifaceted youth and family service organization and family representatives. Participating organizations provided opportunities to get input on community data from the families they serve. The committee is using this input, data from the Early Development Instrument (EDI), and community data related to the grid to set goals for improving health and education outcomes for children in Conway County.  

Kindergarten teachers in the three school districts completed the EDI in the spring of 2019. In addition, five data walks were held to gather community input. In July, Community Services Inc. hosted two data walks for guardianship families, foster families and staff. An additional three walks were held at elementary schools during parent-teacher conferences. Top priorities identified by more 170 participants were: food insecurity; children living in poverty; average annual wages; availability  of child care; and substance use disorder treatment.